Govt introduces new tax to meet IMF criteria

The government has extended exemptions in specific sectors ...


Govt introduces new tax to meet IMF criteria

while annou­ncing new tax measures in several areas to generate additional revenue in the coming fiscal year 24 - 2025 ...


Finance Minister Muham­mad Aurangzeb announced the new measures

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The Federal Excise Duty (FED) rates have been raised from Rs5,000 to Rs12,500, representing a 150 per cent increase for economy and economy-plus foreign travel tickets. The tax rates for other classes were raised by 40pc.

FED on air tickets

dawn NEWS 

Despite opposition, exporters will pay the standard corporate tax rate of 29pc and a super tax where applicable. This is a significant change from the previous 1pc tax on export turnover.

Exporters &  salaried individuals

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Individuals (salaried and non-salaried) and associations of persons earning over Rs10m per year will be subject to a 10pc surcharge on their income tax.

Exporters &  salaried individuals